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Luncheon - Speaker

  • 19 Feb 2015
  • 12:00 PM - 1:15 PM
  • 9950 Memorial Drive
Luncheon Meeting
(Members and invited guests)
Speaker: Dr. John Anderson, Professor Oceanography, Rice University.  "Unprecedented Response of Texas Coast to Accelerated Sea-Level Rise"  

John Anderson is the Maurice Ewing Professor of Oceanography at Rice University. His current research interests are in 1) the recent retreat history of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet and those factors that regulated ice sheet retreat, and 2) The evolution of the US Gulf Coast and response of coastal environments to global change. He has authored and co-authored 230 refereed publications, edited 5 volumes and published two books, “Antarctic Marine Geology” (Cambridge University Press)  and “Formation and Future of the Upper Texas Coast” (Texas A&M Press).  He has led 24 scientific expeditions to Antarctica and countless field programs in the Gulf of Mexico and its coastal waters.  John was the recipient of numerous professional, teach and mentoring awards, including the 2007 Shepard Medal of the Society for Sedimentary Research, and is a Fellow in the Geological Society of America.





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